“Prof. Florian Ștefănescu Goangă” Awards
On October 24, 2016, the Institute of Psychology hosted the “Prof. Florian Ștefănescu Goangă” awards for doctoral research excellency. The awards were handed by architect ANCA LEMAIRE, the originator of these distinctions and granddaughter of the founder of School of Psychology in Cluj, Prof. Florian Ștefănescu Goangă. This year, for the Doctoral School of Applied Cognitive Psychology, the award went to our young colleague, Dr. ALINA FLEȘTEA, for her thesis “The Multilevel Approach of the Emergence in Multi-Team Systems”, supervised by Prof. Petru Curșeu and Prof. Mirclea Miclea, as well as for her four publications in international journals.
International project INSIDE
The Department of Psychology, partner in the international project INSIDE, financed through ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships
The Department of Psychology is a partner in an ERASMUS+ consortium from five European universities and partners from the NGO sector, in the project INSIDE (Innovative Curriculum for Strong Identities in Diverse Europe). The project aims at developing new scientific evidence and tools on the topic of youth identity.
Scurt Istoric al Catedrei de Psihologie
Catedra de Psihologie a fost creată o dată cu înfiinţarea Universităţii Daciei Superioare la Cluj în 1919. Primul ei titular a fost Florian Ştefănescu Goangă, format la primul institut de psihologie din lume - institut creat de W. Wundt la Leipzig în Germania (1879) - în cadrul căruia şi-au făcut ucenicia cei mai mulţi dintre psihologii de seama din prima parte a secolului XX.
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